Saturday, April 5, 2008

How do I.......

How do I hook into the many blogging networks (and which ones are the best) and boost our hits?????? Mrs JABA did tell me the other night BUT it was very late by that stage and my memory is not what it used to be.

So if you can help me ... I would be grateful!

Also, can I link a blog I like to this one without permission? I need help on blogging etiquette as well please.

Thanks in advance for your comments .....


Arizaphale said...

Some people ask permission to link to blogs but mostly I think people are just pleased to be linked :-)

Eventually it will be good to get a donation counter in the sidebar as well as the 'donate here button'.

I will be linking you to my site today. I forgot in the rush of the week!!!! Sorry. PS I like my pseudonym :-D

Arizaphale said...

Also: Google and add technorati, stumble it, digg it, (or something like that)skirt this etc etc there are lots of networking things available to use. Check out Melody at Slurping Life...she has lots at the end of each post.

Anonymous said...

Trying to post again, looks like I can now so I will write what I emailed Miss C about:

Came from Arizaphale... I think an easy way to get visitors is to visit other blogs and leave comments. Most of the time i will return the favor if someone leaves me a comment. Especially if they are a new visitor. The more blog reading you do, the more comments you leave the better.

Good luck!