Monday, July 14, 2008


So we have made it through another weekend! The guys will be having an interview this week with my local paper, Messenger Press, so hopefully you will see them in the next week or so. Think we might get a front page article? Fingers crossed......

We have a few interesting items for auctioning at the Launch, including a 4 day Gold Reserved Grandstand Seating pass to the 2009 Clipsal 500!

I will put up a list shortly once we have confirmed one more item, however we will have something for the art critics, the football fanatics and the cricket supporters! Quite a mix ... have you got your ticket yet?

I think I will need to travel to Perth and Sydney in the near future to meet with the police from both those states to finalise our route. Last time I relied on other people to make these arrangements and when we were about 2 days out it all went pear shaped! Almost didn't get the event on the road.

Once I have the final detailed route I will put that on the web as well - if you live in or near one of the towns we will pass through and want to meet us, or even better, organise a fundraiser - just let me know.

We welcome the company of local cyclists in each region/city/town to join us on the final few kilometres into and out of towns!

Have much to organise - will catch you all again later.

1 comment:

Arizaphale said...

Good to see you up and running Margaret. :-) Give out this address as much as possible and leave it as a link everywhere you can. Good luck!